The movie Minority Report is mainly about how peoples privacy and life are being violated in the sense that everything they do or are going to do is predicted by 3 precogs ang that information is used against them.This doesnt only happen in movies but it also takes place in our life such as just talking on the phone which is one of the many ways in which our privacy is invaded and violated as well.Many people believe that its just done in order to keep us safe but others believe we have the rights to our privacy.My position on this issue regarding unethical means, and violating individualss rights which goes against out human rights should not be allowed.
There are so many reasons why i am opposed to this,one of them is that it just goes against our rights and morals.We have the right to have privacy in our own home and in other places.I dont believe its right for any individual to be treated like a criminal or anything of that matter by having to question them just because they are from a different race,religion or color of skin i honestly find it offensive to embarrass them in front of people whom make judgements or put that person in a category bcause they are beinfg accused of committing a crime because the description fits you just cannot go bya persons appearance or ethnicity its racist.One article that talks about this is the "Towards international principle on communications surveillance which was written by Gus Hosen on Nov 21,2012 he says"No one should be subjected to arbitrary interferencewith his/her privacy,family,home or correspondence,nor to attacks on his/her honor or reputation.Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks"in other words individuals privacy should be respected.
The main significant threat to peoples privacy violation would have to be communication surveillance.It is known that there are different groups that defend our rightsto privacy such as the (PI) which stands for Privacy International their job is to protect the rights across the world,and also fight communication surveillance and other sorts of intrusion into individuals privatwe life by the governments and this also includes corporations as well.This group also have campaigns for individuals right to secure their communications by using cryptography this presents many methods for taking legible,readable information that changes it back into itsoriginal form so that it can be readable.Another group involved in this is the international Convenan on Civil Political Rights whom also made a statement article 17 which also gives egveryone the right to the protection of laws against surveillance.
The next article that talks about this as well was written by Marie A. Wright this article is the "Computer Fraud&Privacy" its about the 9/11 attack and also on Washington because of this government has been forced to make anti-terrorism law that has been passed,and their previous enacted.The laws on this are contraversial which calls for further search and also it increases communications surveillance by violating individuals rights.I believe that if the govrnment keeps on violating our right which this will lead to other violations.Even though i also think that yes the government should protect us but in a different way besides getting involved in our private life.
These are some of the reasons why iam against privacy violation.Its our life and we have the right whether to live in a place in which our every move in known or to live in a society that respects individuals.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Monday, November 26, 2012
Blog 8: Free will and determinism
In both this world humans have a free will which is limited because they have two choices whether to pick the right over the rong and vice versa.The people in both world have a choice in Oedipus the King Oedipus had a choice to make two paths to take he just picked the one that he thought was the right one for him which in fact turned out the worst one that he picked because even though his future was being manipulated by the oracle he could have taken percotionce so that none of what the oracle perdicted came true at the end he made his choice to pay for what he had done by punishing himself for what he did killing his father and marrying his own mother.In The movie Minority Report the humans of this world much had two choices whether to kill or to move on much like the play oedipus the king a oracle predicted the out come of each persons future by predicting what was going to happen but it failed to say the other choice of the persons life they may be able to change their future before anything happence the oracle in this movie was a female and two male twins which were used to capture future criminals and stop them before the crime they were going to commit was commited.Everyone that were captured decided their own future whether to become the criminal the oracle predicted them to be or to change for the better.Both this worlds let people pick the type of life they wanted to live so this show that in fact everyone has choices they just need to pick the right one not just go by other what an oracle or persons say its their life thell live it the way that they want.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Blog 7: The Allegory of The Cave through History
There are many examples in human history in which many
people did not and still don’t want to accept the truth one prime example would
be some foreign countries believe that women should not be allowed to drive ,
be seen with any guy who’s not related to her she should only be around family members,and not get an education.
A lot of this comes from their religion or costumes something that in other
counties we see as unfair or even strange because we are so costumed to be
treated different women can do as they want in the U.S they are also independent and
in this countries they view it different women have no such rights to do as
they please they must do as the husband pleasesand the law says and if they don't they will get
punished for not doing as told either by humiliation and even by death. Many can't simply accept the fact that in
countries such as the U.S.A both men and women are treated equal they are able
to go anywhere by themselves, talk to anyone, drive, wear anything they want
etc. This is something we can't imagine happening to us but it’s their reality
in other parts of the world and not ours. When many come to this country and
see the different treatment from their own homeland they are uncomfortable with
it because it is not how they grew up or brought up so to them it is not a
reality but an illusion that they grew up in and are able to make a choice of
the situation whether to accept it or not. We could also see this in our past
history but as time passed things started to change for the better but can
still be seen around us.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Blog 6: Free will and destiny in Oedipus
Oedipus the king had some free will in the sense that he could have avoided everything if he only would have made the right choice or decision that way the prophesy would not have come true. He had the choice of taking his own fathers life when they met in the two roads but Oedipus choose to take his life and continue on the path that took him straight to Thebes his birth place. He also had the choice whether to become the king of Thebes and marry the Queen Jocasta his real mother this is when he killed the Sphinx. But at the same time it was the God Apollo whom manipulated him which led him where he was. [450] when Teiresias says “It is not your fate to fall because of me. It’s up to Apollo to make that happen. He will be enough. This meant that Apollo had certain control of Oedipus life because he was the one that told the old king Laius that his own son was going to kill him and marry his own mother if Apollo wouldn’t have predicted this prophet then most likely wouldn’t come true like I said before. Oedipus did say [1330] “It was Apollo, friends, it was Apollo. He brought on these troubles the awful things I suffer. But the hand which stabbed out my eyes was mine alone. In my wretched life, why should I have eyes when nothing I could see would bring me joy”. This quote also shows that he take responsibility for the things he did and decisions he made by himself he this is why he decides to punish himself by not seeing and he also wants them to cast him out of Thebes [1290] when the second messenger says “He wants them to cast him out of Thebes, so the curse he laid will not come on this house if he still lives inside”. He also decided on this because he wanted his people to not suffer because of him and the plague would stop killing his people. This all shows that Oedipus did have some control of his life but so did Apollo on his destiny.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Blog#5 final essay:Genetically engineered humans V.S. The normal humans
Genetically engineered which is also known as
genetic manipulation is the process that
scientist use in order to manipulate a organisms genes that they receive from both of their
parents whether they are good or bad genes. Each gene that each of us receive from our
parents gives us our characteristic and traits. Tempering with them can change a person’s life
either in a positive way or even in a negative way as well. This topic is mostly talked about by
scientist and their point of view on the matter. Some believe that it can better our life in the
future because we would have less diseases to deal with but on the other hand others believe
that we should not try and be god because to them its unnatural not only that but it can cause
harm and eventually turn into a war between “the new ideal human” and the normal humans.
In My opinion I believe that if there was to be a superior human or race they would try to
eventually take over the less superior humans because they consider themselves to be better
than the other or vice versa. All of this could eventually cause both sides to clash with one
another that would later on turn into a war among each other until one is declared the winner.
George J. Ann who wrote an essay on this matter which was called “The Man on the Moon”
was based on what has happened throughout our history in the past. He talks about “What
qualities of the human species must us preserve to preserve humanity itself” in other words
what are the qualities should we keep that makes us who we are as individuals and that makes
us all human. Even though genetic manipulation can be positive for our society because we
would be able to live long healthy lives and thus better our society in general. But genetic
manipulation should only be used for the good of humanity not just to make superior and more
advanced humans because if we start making modifications to ourselves we can lose
that what makes us all human and who we are as people in general not only that but how
others view us. One example would be the movie Cattaca which is based on science fiction and
is based on a society that has the technology to perfect humans before they are born so that
they have only good genes. But the down side is that in this society there are two sides the valid
which are the humans that have been genetically engineered and the invalid the humans that
have not been genetically engineered. Even though both sides live together they are treated
different the valid seem to be seen as better because they have the better jobs that the invalids
can’t get because they have either an illness or disease which would make them unfit for the
job. This is something that we have in common with this society because we as people treat
each other as different because of their nationality, religion, language etc. this make it hard on
many people in our society to find jobs.
One example from our history would definitely have to be WW2 when Hitler took over
Germany and decided to become the dictator of his country. Hitler wanted to eliminate
everyone that wasn’t German and that was different from his people whether they were Jews,
gypsy’s, gays and even had a mental illness or diseases to him they should be taken over and
killed. He wanted to make his race the superior one among the rest. Not only that he wanted
the perfect humans Hitler would choose whom should marry who so that they did not have any
disables or ill children so that his people could prosper and completely take over the rest of
humanity. Many Nazis would kill or send the less superior people to concentration camps
where they would force to do labor work, become slaves, even got tortured before they were
exterminated. This made many people angry and outraged they wanted to be able to stop
Hitler and the Nazis so both sides eventually clashed which started the war in the first place
which other countries got involved in their goal was to stop Hitler from succeeding.
In conclusion even in today’s society scientist are trying to genetically engineer humans so
that we have less illnesses or diseases to deal with and are able to live long healthy lives. This
may have a positive effect in our lives it can also have a negative effect as well because both
sides will want to be better than the other and be dominant over each other and in order to
achieve total domination over the other they could cause a war like it has happened in our past
history that could end up in our own destruction in the long run.
scientist use in order to manipulate a organisms genes that they receive from both of their
parents whether they are good or bad genes. Each gene that each of us receive from our
parents gives us our characteristic and traits. Tempering with them can change a person’s life
either in a positive way or even in a negative way as well. This topic is mostly talked about by
scientist and their point of view on the matter. Some believe that it can better our life in the
future because we would have less diseases to deal with but on the other hand others believe
that we should not try and be god because to them its unnatural not only that but it can cause
harm and eventually turn into a war between “the new ideal human” and the normal humans.
In My opinion I believe that if there was to be a superior human or race they would try to
eventually take over the less superior humans because they consider themselves to be better
than the other or vice versa. All of this could eventually cause both sides to clash with one
another that would later on turn into a war among each other until one is declared the winner.
George J. Ann who wrote an essay on this matter which was called “The Man on the Moon”
was based on what has happened throughout our history in the past. He talks about “What
qualities of the human species must us preserve to preserve humanity itself” in other words
what are the qualities should we keep that makes us who we are as individuals and that makes
us all human. Even though genetic manipulation can be positive for our society because we
would be able to live long healthy lives and thus better our society in general. But genetic
manipulation should only be used for the good of humanity not just to make superior and more
advanced humans because if we start making modifications to ourselves we can lose
that what makes us all human and who we are as people in general not only that but how
others view us. One example would be the movie Cattaca which is based on science fiction and
is based on a society that has the technology to perfect humans before they are born so that
they have only good genes. But the down side is that in this society there are two sides the valid
which are the humans that have been genetically engineered and the invalid the humans that
have not been genetically engineered. Even though both sides live together they are treated
different the valid seem to be seen as better because they have the better jobs that the invalids
can’t get because they have either an illness or disease which would make them unfit for the
job. This is something that we have in common with this society because we as people treat
each other as different because of their nationality, religion, language etc. this make it hard on
many people in our society to find jobs.
One example from our history would definitely have to be WW2 when Hitler took over
Germany and decided to become the dictator of his country. Hitler wanted to eliminate
everyone that wasn’t German and that was different from his people whether they were Jews,
gypsy’s, gays and even had a mental illness or diseases to him they should be taken over and
killed. He wanted to make his race the superior one among the rest. Not only that he wanted
the perfect humans Hitler would choose whom should marry who so that they did not have any
disables or ill children so that his people could prosper and completely take over the rest of
humanity. Many Nazis would kill or send the less superior people to concentration camps
where they would force to do labor work, become slaves, even got tortured before they were
exterminated. This made many people angry and outraged they wanted to be able to stop
Hitler and the Nazis so both sides eventually clashed which started the war in the first place
which other countries got involved in their goal was to stop Hitler from succeeding.
In conclusion even in today’s society scientist are trying to genetically engineer humans so
that we have less illnesses or diseases to deal with and are able to live long healthy lives. This
may have a positive effect in our lives it can also have a negative effect as well because both
sides will want to be better than the other and be dominant over each other and in order to
achieve total domination over the other they could cause a war like it has happened in our past
history that could end up in our own destruction in the long run.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
-Genetically engineered humans-
In the essay "The Man on the Moon" written by George J. Anna’s writes about the super
humans that have been genetically engineered such as in the movie Attica and how the superior humans would be seen as a threat to the normal humans because they are genetically engineered that are able to do a better job than the rest. This has not only been seen in science fiction but also throughout our history.
The movie Attica is about Scientist generically engineering humans which means that unlike normal humans the superior or better humans will not have illnesses they take away those genes that they have been given by their either of their parents. One example from the movie Cattaca would have to be Vincent whom had an illness which was a heart condition since birth and in his society the doctors and scientist they estimated that he would only live for 32 years then he would most likely die. His parents wanted to be able to have a perfect son who would be named Anton. They decided to genetically engineer the son that they wanted to have that would not have the same illness as their older son Vincent. Both brothers did not hate each other but disliked one another because Vincent felt like he was put aside that he was not the perfect or even favorite child because of his condition. Anton on the other hand was the favorite son and was capable of doing anything unlike Vincent who was limited to something’s. Even though Vincent had an illness he wanted to be able to make his dream of becoming an astronaut come a reality but even with all the hard work he would put into it still was hard on him and on his body because of his heart condition so he was determined to do whatever it take in order to achieve his lifelong goal and dreams. He decided to find another way to get around his society because in this world everyone would get DNA tests or other test so that they can be given a job that they were capable of doing. In order to get around this system Vincent took on someone else identity Eugene a genetically engineered young men who had been in a car accident and was handicapped and was willing to help Vincent but with a cost that he had to help him financially. This was going to be a challenge for both of them if Vincent was going to take on Eugene identity he had to look like him so that they would not suspect not only that but Eugene had to provide him with his DNA and other bodily substances because he would get tested in the job to see if he had any illness. In this society the once that were in control were the Superior genetically engineered and advanced humans and the once that were not had to take the jobs that they did not like but had no say in this society.
One history example would be World War 2 in which the U.S was part of this war took place in Germany. At that time a German dictator named Hitler wanted to make his country the superior race but in order to do so he had to get reed of the less superior people basically anyone that was not German such as the Jews, gypsy’s, gay, handicapped etc. He wanted the perfect humans that did not have any illnesses. In order to get perfect humans Hitler would choose whom should marry whom so that they did not have disabled or ill children so that his people could prosper and completely take over the rest of humanity. Many Nazis would kill or send the less superior people to concentration camps where they would force to do labor work, become slaves, even got tortured before they were exterminated. This made many people that did not agree with what was going on very angry they wanted to stop this which caused a lot of nations to get involved before Hitler and His Nazis do anymore harm or damage he had to be stopped otherwise he would continue to take over other countries and kill every person that did not meet his expectations. In my opinion I believe if there was to be a superior race would try to eventually take over the less superior race because they consider themselves to be better than the other. All of this could eventually cause both sides to fight until a winner is declared.
In conclusion even in today’s society scientist are trying to genetically engineer people so that they have less illness and can live longer. Even though it may sound as a good idea it can also be a bad idea because both side will want to destroy one another in order to achieve total control over the other like it has happened in our past history or it could become a society like Cattaca where both sides work together to make a better world.
In the essay "The Man on the Moon" written by George J. Anna’s writes about the super
humans that have been genetically engineered such as in the movie Attica and how the superior humans would be seen as a threat to the normal humans because they are genetically engineered that are able to do a better job than the rest. This has not only been seen in science fiction but also throughout our history.
The movie Attica is about Scientist generically engineering humans which means that unlike normal humans the superior or better humans will not have illnesses they take away those genes that they have been given by their either of their parents. One example from the movie Cattaca would have to be Vincent whom had an illness which was a heart condition since birth and in his society the doctors and scientist they estimated that he would only live for 32 years then he would most likely die. His parents wanted to be able to have a perfect son who would be named Anton. They decided to genetically engineer the son that they wanted to have that would not have the same illness as their older son Vincent. Both brothers did not hate each other but disliked one another because Vincent felt like he was put aside that he was not the perfect or even favorite child because of his condition. Anton on the other hand was the favorite son and was capable of doing anything unlike Vincent who was limited to something’s. Even though Vincent had an illness he wanted to be able to make his dream of becoming an astronaut come a reality but even with all the hard work he would put into it still was hard on him and on his body because of his heart condition so he was determined to do whatever it take in order to achieve his lifelong goal and dreams. He decided to find another way to get around his society because in this world everyone would get DNA tests or other test so that they can be given a job that they were capable of doing. In order to get around this system Vincent took on someone else identity Eugene a genetically engineered young men who had been in a car accident and was handicapped and was willing to help Vincent but with a cost that he had to help him financially. This was going to be a challenge for both of them if Vincent was going to take on Eugene identity he had to look like him so that they would not suspect not only that but Eugene had to provide him with his DNA and other bodily substances because he would get tested in the job to see if he had any illness. In this society the once that were in control were the Superior genetically engineered and advanced humans and the once that were not had to take the jobs that they did not like but had no say in this society.
One history example would be World War 2 in which the U.S was part of this war took place in Germany. At that time a German dictator named Hitler wanted to make his country the superior race but in order to do so he had to get reed of the less superior people basically anyone that was not German such as the Jews, gypsy’s, gay, handicapped etc. He wanted the perfect humans that did not have any illnesses. In order to get perfect humans Hitler would choose whom should marry whom so that they did not have disabled or ill children so that his people could prosper and completely take over the rest of humanity. Many Nazis would kill or send the less superior people to concentration camps where they would force to do labor work, become slaves, even got tortured before they were exterminated. This made many people that did not agree with what was going on very angry they wanted to stop this which caused a lot of nations to get involved before Hitler and His Nazis do anymore harm or damage he had to be stopped otherwise he would continue to take over other countries and kill every person that did not meet his expectations. In my opinion I believe if there was to be a superior race would try to eventually take over the less superior race because they consider themselves to be better than the other. All of this could eventually cause both sides to fight until a winner is declared.
In conclusion even in today’s society scientist are trying to genetically engineer people so that they have less illness and can live longer. Even though it may sound as a good idea it can also be a bad idea because both side will want to destroy one another in order to achieve total control over the other like it has happened in our past history or it could become a society like Cattaca where both sides work together to make a better world.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Blog#3:Essay 1 early draft
Topic1:'The Man on the Moon" written by George J.Annas in which he writes about the 'Superior' human and how it will be known as the other.In this story it take about what will happen if theres ever a superior more genetically enginneered human if they will take over the less superior race will they take total control.In the movie Cattaca there is a superior race and a less superior race which are the people whom are not genetically engineerde that have struggle in that perfect society to be just like the rest of them.
In the Movie Cattaca where a family that has a ill child called Vincent and have a engineered child who is Anton as well and think of Vincent with the illness as less important and Anton the genetically engineered one as more imposrtant so there for in society they will be viewed as that.Vincent is told how long he will live which makes it even harder for him to get his dream job because his not fit for it but he was determind to get the job he wanted and be able to achieve his dream of going into space.Vincent decided to take on someone else identaty he became Eugene who was in a wheelchair because of a accident that he had but had been engineered at bort.Both decided to work together in order to get what each wanted in the society that they lived they had to be tested when they went to work by giving blood samples or anything that could be used to make sure that they had nothing rong with them.Vincent would find different ways to get around so that he could get cought such as getting surgery so that he matched Eugen.Also Vincent was supplied with Eugens blood,urine etc for all the test that he had to take in the corporation that he was in.He felt like it was not right that he could not have the same oppurtunities that the genetically engineered humans had.
A example in human history would be World war 2 where Hitler a German Nazi who wanted to eliminate all the peple that were not from his race.He would kill anyone that came from a different bak ground such as jews,gypsies,gay or that even had any mental illness etc.He wanted his race to be the dominant and superior once in order to do so he decided to send the less superior peole to horible places where they were slave and eventually even killed by doing so his race would prosper.His view on the Superior human was that they had to be fair skin white ,with blue eye,blond and German.But not everyone agreed with him so thats when the people that were viewed as less superior decided to fight against it because they felt like everyone should
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Blog 2: Utopia and Dystopia
/yuˈtoʊpiə/ Show Spelled[yoo-toh-pee-uh] Show IPA
1. "an imaginary island described in Sir Thomas More's Utopia (1516) as enjoying perfection in law, politics, etc. "
2." ( usually lowercase ) an ideal place or state. "
3. "( usually lowercase ) any visionary system of political or social perfection"
My Example:In Ancient Rome the kings wanted to create their own utopia.
/dɪsˈtoʊpiə/ Show Spelled[dis-toh-pee-uh] Show IPA
"a society characterized by human misery, as squalor, oppression, disease, and overcrowding." Give Example Sentences
- "In this dystopia, doctors haven't been trained in genomics, and payers won't fund predictive and preventive tests and protocols. "
- "However much he invented as he created his dystopia, he was also relying on actual events and situations. "
My Example:Pollution and Poverty
The way I understand utopia is that is based on imagination as for dystopia it's the total opposite because it's based on reality not imagionation.
/yuˈtoʊpiə/ Show Spelled[yoo-toh-pee-uh] Show IPA
1. "an imaginary island described in Sir Thomas More's Utopia (1516) as enjoying perfection in law, politics, etc. "
2." ( usually lowercase ) an ideal place or state. "
3. "( usually lowercase ) any visionary system of political or social perfection"
My Example:In Ancient Rome the kings wanted to create their own utopia.
My Example:In Ancient Rome the kings wanted to create their own utopia.
/dɪsˈtoʊpiə/ Show Spelled[dis-toh-pee-uh] Show IPA
"a society characterized by human misery, as squalor, oppression, disease, and overcrowding." Give Example Sentences
The way I understand utopia is that is based on imagination as for dystopia it's the total opposite because it's based on reality not imagionation.
- "In this dystopia, doctors haven't been trained in genomics, and payers won't fund predictive and preventive tests and protocols. "
- "However much he invented as he created his dystopia, he was also relying on actual events and situations. "
The way I understand utopia is that is based on imagination as for dystopia it's the total opposite because it's based on reality not imagionation.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Post Blog1:Autobiographical
My second day in college so far I can see the difference between it and high school your treated as an adult and expected to do all your work on time everyday unlike in high school were the teachers give you a chance to hand it in late. When you graduate from high school and go on to college the teachers have a bigger expectation from you they want to see your abilities in order for you to better each of your skills. Even though it’s not going to be easy but it gives you a perspective on the real world and what you a an adult should be prepared for when it’s time to get a job and learn the responsibilities you have in the field that you are involved in. I know that in order to be want I want to be in life I have to work hard do what it takes in order to accomplish my goals. My dream job is to be a Veterinary Technician because it's something that I’m very patio net about animals and being able to get them back to good health and be able to give them a long, healthy and happy life. So far I accomplished some of my goals such as graduating from high school now I have to work even harder in order to graduate from college with a degree and after words I would be able to get a job in the Veterinary field I hope I’m able to pass each class with high grades in order to get one more step closer to achieving my goals and dreams as well.
So far I have learned something’s and what I should expect in the following month in college which means that I have to be ready for any task that I’ll be given but I’m willing to work and deal with it because that’s part of life you have to deal with whatever situation your put in and find a way to make it easier for you to understand and accomplish it. In the adult world you’re on your own can't expect others to do everything for you or even do what you want because that’s not how it works. In order to be on your own and to be able to take care of yourself you have to get a job and do what you’re told not come at whatever time you want or bring in late work that you were given. This is what college is there for to get you ready and realize what it takes in order to become a successful individual so that you are able to not be dependent on anyone in life but yourself. I’m learning about what I should be ready for when I graduate and start being on my own and have a career as a Veterinary Technician something that I’m looking forward to it. I know that it's not going to be easy that I’ll have to work ten times harder than I did in high school I’m gong to struggle but I’m okay with it because it's a learning experience and I know that I’m able to accomplish it just have to be positive about it and push myself to do it. I want to be able to show myself what I’m really capable of doing and just better my skills. Not only that but I want to be a good role model and influence to both my siblings that with hard work and dedication does payoff in life and help them as well to accomplish each of their goals that they may have but they have to really want it and be sure that's what they want in life because it's their life and future in the long run that'll be affected by the choices they make.
Post Blog1:Autobiographical
My second day in college so far I can see the difference between it and high school your treated as an adult and expected to do all your work on time everyday unlike in high school were the teachers give you a chance to hand it in late. When you graduate from high school and go on to college the teachers have a bigger expectation from you they want to see your abilities in order for you to better each of your skills. Even though it’s not going to be easy but it gives you a perspective on the real world and what you a an adult should be prepared for when it’s time to get a job and learn the responsibilities you have in the field that you are involved in. I know that in order to be want I want to be in life I have to work hard do what it takes in order to accomplish my goals. My dream job is to be a Veterinary Technician because it's something that I’m very patio net about animals and being able to get them back to good health and be able to give them a long, healthy and happy life. So far I accomplished some of my goals such as graduating from high school now I have to work even harder in order to graduate from college with a degree and after words I would be able to get a job in the Veterinary field I hope I’m able to pass each class with high grades in order to get one more step closer to achieving my goals and dreams as well.
So far I have learned something’s and what I should expect in the following month in college which means that I have to be ready for any task that I’ll be given but I’m willing to work and deal with it because that’s part of life you have to deal with whatever situation your put in and find a way to make it easier for you to understand and accomplish it. In the adult world you’re on your own can't expect others to do everything for you or even do what you want because that’s not how it works. In order to be on your own and to be able to take care of yourself you have to get a job and do what you’re told not come at whatever time you want or bring in late work that you were given. This is what college is there for to get you ready and realize what it takes in order to become a successful individual so that you are able to not be dependent on anyone in life but yourself. I’m learning about what I should be ready for when I graduate and start being on my own and have a career as a Veterinary Technician something that I’m looking forward to it. I know that it's not going to be easy that I’ll have to work ten times harder than I did in high school I’m gong to struggle but I’m okay with it because it's a learning experience and I know that I’m able to accomplish it just have to be positive about it and push myself to do it. I want to be able to show myself what I’m really capable of doing and just better my skills. Not only that but I want to be a good role model and influence to both my siblings that with hard work and dedication does payoff in life and help them as well to accomplish each of their goals that they may have but they have to really want it and be sure that's what they want in life because it's their life and future in the long run that'll be affected by the choices they make.
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