Thursday, October 11, 2012

Blog#5 final essay:Genetically engineered humans V.S. The normal humans

        Genetically engineered which is also known as genetic manipulation is the process that
scientist use in order to manipulate a organisms genes that they receive from both of their
parents whether they are good or bad genes. Each gene that each of us receive from our
parents gives us our characteristic and traits. Tempering with them can change a person’s life
either in a positive way or even in a negative way as well. This topic is mostly talked about by
scientist and their point of view on the matter. Some believe that it can better our life in the
future because we would have less diseases to deal with but on the other hand others believe
that we should not try and be god because to them its unnatural not only that but it can cause
harm and eventually turn into a war between “the new ideal human” and the normal humans.

       In My opinion I believe that if there was to be a superior human or race they would try to
eventually take over the less superior humans because they consider themselves to be better
than the other or vice versa. All of this could eventually cause both sides to clash with one
another that would later on turn into a war among each other until one is declared the winner.
George J. Ann who wrote an essay on this matter which was called “The Man on the Moon”
was based on what has happened throughout our history in the past. He talks about “What
qualities of the human species must us preserve to preserve humanity itself” in other words
what are the qualities should we keep that makes us who we are as individuals and that makes
us all human. Even though genetic manipulation can be positive for our society because we
would be able to live long healthy lives and thus better our society in general. But genetic
manipulation should only be used for the good of humanity not just to make superior and more
advanced humans because if we start making modifications to ourselves we can lose
that what  makes us all human and who we are as people in general not only that but how
others view us. One example would be the movie Cattaca which is based on science fiction and
is based on a society that has the technology to perfect humans before they are born so that
they have only good genes. But the down side is that in this society there are two sides the valid
which are the humans that have been genetically engineered and the invalid the humans that
have not been genetically engineered. Even though both sides live together they are treated
different the valid seem to be seen as better because they have the better jobs that the invalids
can’t get because they have either an illness or disease which would make them unfit for the
job. This is something that we have in common with this society because we as people treat
each other as different because of their nationality, religion, language etc. this make it hard on
many people in our society to find jobs.

       One example from our history would definitely have to be WW2 when Hitler took over
Germany and decided to become the dictator of his country. Hitler wanted to eliminate
everyone that wasn’t German and that was different from his people whether they were Jews,
gypsy’s, gays and  even had a mental illness or  diseases to him they should be taken over and
killed. He wanted to make his race the superior one among the rest. Not only that he wanted
the perfect humans Hitler would choose whom should marry who so that they did not have any
disables or ill children so that his people could prosper and completely take over the rest of
humanity. Many Nazis would kill or send the less superior people to concentration camps
where they would force to do labor work, become slaves, even got tortured before they were
exterminated. This made many people angry and outraged they wanted to be able to stop
Hitler and the Nazis so both sides eventually clashed which started the war in the first place  
which other countries got involved in their goal was to stop Hitler from succeeding.  

       In conclusion even in today’s society scientist are trying to genetically engineer humans so
that we have less illnesses or diseases to deal with and are able to live long healthy lives. This
may have a positive effect in our lives it can also have a negative effect as well because both
sides will want to be better than the other and be dominant over each other and in order to
achieve total domination over the other they could cause a war like it has happened in our past
history that could end up in our own destruction in the long run.

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